Common Core Embedded in ‘No Child Left Behind’ Reauthorization
By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. | July 6, 2015 Education Views
On July 7, 2015 the U.S. Congress begins the debate on bills to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Act, currently known as ‘No Child Left Behind’ (NCLB). The 792 page Senate bill, “Every Child Achieves Act of 2015,” clearly moves the U.S. toward nationalized education. The bill is an unconstitutional, invasive, and expensive expansion of federal control of education.
Nationalized Education Agenda with Common Core Alignment
- Requires state standards to align with “college-and-career-ready standards,” code for Common Core
- Requires states to align standards with same criteria used in development of Common Core standards.
- State standards must be aligned with federally approved early childhood and workforce standards.
Assessments Requirement Ignores Public Outrage
- Requires under penalty that mandatory state accountability systems measure the progress of at least 95% of the students and use the results to rate the schools.
NOTE: Blatant all-out attack on parental rights and the Opt Out Movement.
Data Mining and Psychological Profiling/Manipulation Legally Sanctioned.
- Requires expensive testing designed to include more intrusive psychological data collection and psychological profiling/manipulation;
- Continues NCLB requirement for state assessments with new requirement to assess individual student behavior and skill based standards;
- Lifts NCLB’s ban on assessing/evaluating personal or family beliefs and attitudes/paves way for psychological data gathering by other education programs; and
- Allows NAEP to implement unconstitutional affective probing of student psychological traits.
NOTE: More intrusive data mining and more intensive psychological profiling/manipulation to alter attitudes, beliefs, values, and world view.
Preschool Funding Gives Dangerous Federal Control
- President Obama wants $75 billion for federally funded universal preschool programs for all 4-year-olds;
- Gives federal government control of all public schools and students including preschool (NCLB covers only elementary and secondary schools);
- Federal funding to states to develop statewide preschool and “early care” or daycare programs;
- Creates national standards for preschool that are social-emotional standards requiring compilation of psychological data. State standards must align with federal standards; and
- Provides sub-grants for birth to kindergarten literacy initiatives.
NOTE: Research-based evidence shows U.S. preschool programs are harmful to young children.
Schools to Treat “Problem” Students
- Formula grants available to schools…treatment or referral for treatment of students with social, emotional, or behavioral health problems.”
- Bureaucrats will determine who requires treatment
NOTE: Opens door for enormous federal power to control a student’s world view, thoughts and expression of beliefs. Government has control over future of those who will not comply.
Government’s War on Families Ratcheted Up
- Grants for longer school days and year round programs;
- Grants for school-based mental health services -- government surveillance of kids’ attitudes and mindsets; and
- Funding for Arne Duncan’s dream for schools to become “21st century community learning centers”
NOTE: Government takes over parental and church’s role of rearing child. Greatly expands number of hours and years that child is in government care.
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