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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

What Could Possibly Go Wrong With A Federal Apprenticeship Program?

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. July 19, 2017 Published by Daily Caller

Promising that apprenticeships are going to be a “major factor in our country,” President Trump is leading the charge to reform the failed federally funded job-training and workforce development programs.

The recently passed H.R. 2353 reduces the role of the federal government in workforce programs. Education and the Workforce Committee ChairmanVirginia Foxx, in her FoxNews commentary, wrote that educational institutions, private companies, and community leaders must work together to create apprenticeship programs without the federal government dictating implementation.

Workforce Reform to Make Marxist Universities Obsolete?
By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D.      June 23, 2017   World Net Daily

“We want to make sure that we have the workforce development programs we need to ensure these jobs are being filled by American workers.”President Donald J. Trump

President Trump is leading the charge to reform the federally funded job-training and workforce development programs to prepare Americans for the millions of available jobs.  As with most central government projects, these programs have not been effective, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars and leaving many Americans struggling to find full-time employment.

That is changing with the new legislature being passed in D.C., designed to promote apprenticeships and effective workforce development programs.

Trump’s Education Budget: Cuts Reduce Federal Control, Common Core
By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D.  May 25, 2017   Texas Insider

President Donald Trump has released his full budget proposal with sweeping cuts as promised during his campaign.  Since President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in 1965, the federal government has appropriated nearly $2 trillion -- 10 percent of all K-12 education spending -- to improve the educational outcomes of American students.  Yet achievement gaps remain and graduation rates for disadvantaged students are stagnant.

Will Lawmakers Pass Soviet-Style Education as New Mission for Texas Schools?
By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D.  |   March 20, 2017 Texas Insider     Education Views

A bill recently filed for the Texas 85th legislative session, HB 136, proposes to add a new mission to the Texas Education Code:

  • OBJECTIVE 11:  The State Board of Education, the agency, and the commissioner shall assist school districts  and charter schools in providing career and technology education and effective workforce training opportunities to students.

This bill, if passed, will dramatically transform the primary purpose of Texas public education from academic learning to workforce training for the supplying of workers for businesses. Education will no longer be focused on providing a well-rounded education so the individual can adapt to the inevitable changes in the workplace. 

Why the Dems Loathe Betsy DeVos
By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. | January 10, 2017   Education Views  (Original title: "Betsy DeVos: Public School Enemy #1)
The Senate confirmation hearings for Betsy DeVos, President-Elect Donald Trump's nomination for Secretary of Education, are scheduled to begin January 17.  Already the liberal hypocrites are doing what they do best –  character assassination of anyone not of their radical ilk. 

Should Texas Pass Workforce Training and D.C.-Style Education Planning?
......What’s Wrong with “Career & Technology Education and Workforce Training”
By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D.  |   May 17, 2017   Texas Insider

The Texas House passed HB 136, amending the Texas Education Code to include “career and technology education and workforce training” in the mission statement of public education.

What the Senate Should Ask Trump's Pick for Education Chief
By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. |  January 16, 2017   Education Views    

President-Elect Donald Trump's nominee for education secretary is scheduled to begin confirmation hearings on January 17.  While Democrats greatly fear what she might do to reduce their tyrannical control over public education, conservatives also are deeply concerned about where she stands on various issues.

New K-12 Law’s Heavy Handiness in Testing Sparks More Public Outrage

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D.  |  June 1, 2016   Daily Caller

Congress replaced No Child Left Behind with Every Student Succeeds Act, promising to return control to the states.  However, with the federal government loath to give up power over telling states and districts what they must do, there are signals that we can expect a showdown as states begin the implementation of ESSA. 

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