Stealth Jihad Is Funded By American Taxpayers
By Carole Hornsby Haynes | June 26, 2015
Islamic law -- Shari’ah – requires Jihad to be waged as "warfare against non-Muslims” until all the world is under Islamic law. Jihadist doctrine is advanced by both violent techniques and “civilization jihad,” a stealthy subversive effort to destroy Western civilization from within a nation by its own hand.
The pattern of Islam is to use the courts, schools, art museums, and other major institutions including outreach to churches to infiltrate, gradually introduce Shari’ah, and then finally takeover a nation.American education is being attacked on all fronts.
The Muslim Brotherhood front groups are involved in the development of Common Core curriculum, whitewashing the most savage, radical, and brutal ideology on the face of the earth and including activities into the curriculum to indoctrinate young minds.
The Council on Islamic Relations has been linked to terror and to subversion of American education. They are working within the system to change the textbooks and curriculum “to attack the children who are the heart of America.”
Saudi Arabia strews its petro dollars around, funding organizations to promote Islam through institutions and control what American students learn about Islam.
Also hell bent on imposing Shari’ah in the U.S. is Fethullah Gülen, who was charged with trying to create an Islamic state when he attempted to overthrow his own Turkish government and enforce Shari’ah. Now living in the United States in self-exile in rural Pennsylvania, Gülen controls a vast international network of educational institutions that has been instrumental in the advancement of the Islamist political agenda in Turkey.
In the U.S. Gülen has numerous charter schools that promote Islamic activities and are funded by U.S. taxpayers, even though he has openly called for the destruction of the United States and all infidels.
Here are just a few of the school activities promoting Islam to indoctrinate the minds of our children.
- Observance of Muslim holy days is added to the school calendar.
- New York City will close its public schools to observe two Muslim holy days.
- Students learn the five pillars of Islam.
- Students recite Muslims prayers – “Allah is great” – “There is no god but Allah.”
- Students recite the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic – “One nation under Allah.”
- Female students must wear burqas during a lesson on Islam.
- Female students must cover themselves from head to toe during a school required trip to a mosque. (Common Core class)
- High school English students are given vocabulary worksheets that promote the Islamic faith.
- World history is being taught from an Islamic perspective.
- Lessons label terrorists as freedom fighters. (CSCOPE in Texas)
- Students are told that Islam is a peaceful religion.
- Students are told that Islam respects women.
- Students must write essays about traveling to Mecca. (CSCOPE in Texas)
- Students are told that Christians engage in cannibalism and incest. (CSCOPE in Texas)
- Textbooks focus on Islam while including only a few denigrating passages about Christianity and Judaism.
- Special concessions are made for Muslim students to leave the classroom several times a day to pray while Christian students are punished for praying outside the building in front of the American flag before the school day begins.
Arabic classes are being offered in some schools. Since Arabic is the number one language spoken by the refugees flooding into America, perhaps it’s not really surprising that there has been no public outrage.
What is shocking is the shift in public education policy about the rationale for Arabic classes. Historically it has been the role of our schools to help children learn English and to assimilate into the American culture while their immigrant parents maintain the family’s cultural ties.
However, Muslims do not assimilate in any country to which they migrate.
As a native of Tennessee with many family members living throughout the state and especially around the Nashville area, I have been shocked at the devastation reeked by the thousands of Kurdish and Somali refugees who have flocked to the state over the past 15 years. Most have not assimilated, living instead in “enclaves” where they practice their own laws and customs.
There are three terrorist camps in Tennessee -- Dover, Paris, and Shelbyville -- that are well positioned in the heart of Tennessee to strike key cities. The camps are near Oak Ridge, where the Manhattan Project constructed a massive pilot plutonium plant and a uranium enrichment plant for the development of the first atomic bomb in World War II. The camps are also strategically located near a number of nuclear reactors.
Even though a large number of people in the Nashville area speak native Arabic, their learning to speak English and become assimilated into the American culture appears not to be the primary focus for Nashville bureaucrats who recently announced that six schools will offer Arabic classes this fall.
Those bleeding hearts said they want to help Muslim students to “…stay connected to their native culture.”
Pray tell how will the Nashville schools help students stay connected to their native culture? By teaching Arabic history….Arabic culture….the Arabic religion of Islam….Shari’ah ?
The Nashville public schools are rapidly deteriorating as refugees speaking more than 38 languages crowd into the classrooms. Nashville citizens who can afford to do so are placing their children in private schools while they also pay to educate those who hate us and will remain loyal to their own culture.
America is no longer the country of my childhood. Then we could read Bible stories and pray at school. We could say “Jesus” and have Christmas parties instead of ‘Winter’ parties without offending someone.
Why are Americans not rising up to stop this savage invasion of our nation by whatever means necessary? These are not merely immigrants who seek a better life, but barbaric conquerors who will stop at nothing to totally destroy America -- and are using our schools to fulfill their agenda.
Copyright ©2015 Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. All rights reserved