How Parents Can Spot Left Wing Indoctrination In Children’s Curriculum
By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. April 3, 2020
Have you ever wondered exactly how schools are spawning young socialists who are confused about their sex, believe that climate change is endangering humanity and the wild kingdom, or why our once fiercely independent youth are now sniveling, cowering snowflakes?
Thanks to John Dewey and his advocates, our education system now believes the primary purpose of education is to create social activists instead of instilling academic knowledge.
Government forced shutdown of much of our nation provides an invaluable opportunity for parents to take a close look at what their children are learning. But do you know how to spot the red flags of indoctrination in your children’s curriculum? Do you know how to spot Common Core curriculum even if it is not labeled as such?
To help you assess what your children are learning, the Child Protection League has compiled a list of concepts and buzzwords that we call ‘red flags’ that signal an underlying radical left bias. To see “Tips on Spotting Curriculum Red Flags,” click here. Once you understand the buzzwords and concepts, then what is happening in America and the attitudes of our millennials will be crystal clear.
Child Protection League has an upcoming report on the dangers of Social and Emotional learning. It’s not really the harmless relaxation exercise that’s being touted.
CPL provides invaluable information about the sex curriculum that your child’s school may send home online. You will learn how to review the content, suggested resources, online links, surveys and health questionnaire. CPL notes that CSE Curriculum is the mother ship of Planned Parenthood.
CPL shows how easily children can access porn. Despite what schools are telling parents, kids are easily accessing porn through their school assigned Chrome Books.
In a recent commentary I warned parents, who are homeschooling for the first time, about using anything written by or associated with Howard Zinn, a communist professor/author whose American history texts have been used in numerous schools and universities for decades.
Beware of online courses offered by companies such as the Zinn Education Project, National Public Radio, and Newsela. Taxpayers are footing the bill for their radical left reports of current events that accompany their history lessons. A March 27 email from the Zinn Education Project, the propaganda arm for the late Howard Zinn and his Marxist A People’s History of the United States, served up vitriol and fearmongering,
“It feels impossible to start any email during this strange and scary time without first acknowledging our shared circumstances: a pandemic, an inept, untrustworthy, racist demagogue in the White House; and the disruption to almost every tiny square of our personal and professional lives.”
To entice new users for their products, Zinn Education Project held a two day campaign during which they gave away free e-books of A Young People’s History of the United States.
For teachers and parents who are homeschooling, ZEP is offering new products that include two lessons on pandemics with connections between COVID-19 and climate change. Another lesson is “The 1918 Flu: How Information Policing and Nationalist Propaganda Worsened a Pandemic a Century Ago.”
Using the guide from Child Protection League, parents will be able to assess what their children are being taught and can also check out the communist Zinn products.
If you don’t like what the public schools are teaching your child, then consider homeschooling as an increasing number of parents have already done. For more reading on this, visit my website:
If you have any friends or family who are homeschooling for the first time due to COVID-19 school closures, please forward this to them!
“Tips on Spotting Curriculum Red Flags,”click here.