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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

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Fire Destroys Historic Dallas Church of Pro-Trump Pastor

By Carole Hornsby Haynes       July 21, 2024

Speculation about the cause of the four alarm fire at a prominent Dallas church led by Trump supporter, Dr. Robert Jeffress, began circulating wildly even as the blaze sent thick black clouds of smoke throughout downtown Dallas and miles beyond. (see video)

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From the American Founding to Transgender Easter

By Carole Hornsby Haynes April 9, 2024   First Published by American Thinker 

Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequte to the government of any other.  John Adams 

On Good Friday, the White House announced “transgender day of visibility” for March 31, which fell this year on Easter Sunday, the holiest day in the Christian calendar that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The 651-word Proclamation issued by Biden declared: 

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Removing Monuments Was Never About Slavery: How to Rebuild America

By Carole Hornsby Haynes     November 12, 2023

Charlottesville Was Not About the Confederacy or Robert E. Lee

For the first time in America’s history, a memorial has been savagely cut into small pieces and set ablaze as Marxist activists gleefully watched at a secret location. The Charlottesville statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee was melted down with the brass to be recast into “public art that expresses the City’s values of inclusivity and racial justice,” according to the proposal submitted to the city. The left brazenly published a ghoulish video showing Lee’s dismemberment — his face being cut off and melted.  

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Maoism: Reconciliation Memorial In Arlington National Cemetery Slated for Demolition

Carole Hornsby Haynes      August 18, 2023 

Tyrannical Chinese dictator Mao Zedong systemically demolished all of traditional China with the “Four Olds”: Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Customs, and Old Habits. Those who opposed this “agrarian Marxism” were punished, imprisoned, or murdered. A Cultural Revolution has engulfed America for years with the “long march through the institutions.” Although the underlying theory is Marxist, the strategies used to tear down America are those of Mao. 

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Marxist Pope Francis Warns Against Marxism

By Carole Hornsby Haynes February 13, 2022

In a recent letter to the Santa Maria Spirituality Center in Buenos Aires, Pope Francis delivered a surprising warning against the dangers of Marxist theology. His warning against “the ideologizing of a Marxist tint of some Latin American centers in the ‘70s” was a reference to the leftward shift of some Latin American Catholic Churches.

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Youngkin and the Reconciliation Monument

By Carole Hornsby Haynes    September 23, 2023     First Published by American Thinker

Though he never claimed to be a populist, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has ridden the wave of public anger against hostile school boards pushing radical race and gender ideologies. As I noted in a previous commentary, Youngkin’s selection of leftist advisers and personnel for his gubernatorial team sent up warning signs of danger ahead for Virginians. Now his actions about the removal of the 109-year-old Reconciliation Monument in Arlington National Cemetery confirm that Youngkin is no conservative. 

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Woke corporations, grooming, trans craze can be traced to U.N.

By Carole Hornsby Haynes June 6, 2023       First Published At World Net Daily 

Public outrage is gathering steam as corporate America tries to force woke gender ideology and the LGBTQ agenda down the throats of consumers. The American people are fed up and using their voices and money to fight back. 

Yet, there is a bigger story. Why would major retailers risk heavy market losses – and possibly bankruptcy – to appease such a small segment of the U.S. population – 7.2% acccording to a Gallup poll? Why is there so much national attention on transgenderism? Why does the federal government fund mental health and require data mining on students? 

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Notre Dame Cathedral Goes Woke with Disney-style

Theme Park Renovation

By Carole Hornsby Haynes December 23, 2021

As Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ this week, we are reminded of the ongoing war to cancel our Western culture and religion by the proposed plans for a Disney-style theme park restoration of the Notre Dame Cathedral.

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