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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

Parents 'taking back' public schools? It's an impossibility

By Carole Hornsby Haynes   February 2, 2023  Published by World Net Daily

That thunderous noise, strangely like the crashing of the New York City Twin Towers, is the collapse of the government school system. Traditional public school enrollment is plummeting as parents withdraw their children for alternative educational arrangements. Public education is already feeling the impact with schools across the nation closing their campuses.

Texas and Woke Sex Education

By Carole Hornsby Haynes    September 16, 2023      First Published at American Thinker 

Dallas Independent School District (DISD), the second largest in Texas, has partnered for years with a radical sex group that has been known to promote gender mutilation, North Texas Alliance to Reduce Unintended Pregnancy in Teens (NTARUPT). 

Can America Survive As A Self-Governing People?

By Carole Hornsby Haynes June 24, 2023   First Published At American Thinker

A series of tests by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), better known as the Nation’s Report Card, show that fifty years of student academic progress have been wiped out.  Unless this is reversed, America as a free nation faces a very grim future.

School choice’ schemes play into U.N. goals for control

By Carole Hornsby Haynes   February 16, 2023   First Published At World Net Daily

The debate over school choice is heating up as state legislatures and governors respond to the increasing pressure from parents who are angry about the racism, transgenderism, and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in taxpayer funded schools.

Iowa and Utah recently joined Arizona in passing a universal education savings account (ESA) while Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced his plan for a universal ESA and Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee promised a universal voucher.

Study: Teen Suicides Tied to School Calendar

By Carole Hornsby Haynes January 25, 2022   Published by World Net Daily

We now have proof. Government schools are driving teens to commit suicide. A new study, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, concludes that “youth suicides are closely tied with in-person school attendance.”


Beware ‘School Choice’ Scheme For New World Order


By Carole Hornsby Haynes April 20, 2023 

The educational freedom train is moving at full speed as state legislatures and governors respond to increasing pressure from parents who are angry over school shutdowns and school districts’ violating their parental rights over the values they want taught to their children.

Public schools across the nation are undermining the historic Christian foundation upon which America was founded and gave us our rule of law tradition. Yet this is why public education was established in the 1800s.

Texas SB176: Trap for Government Control of Private Education

By Carole Hornsby Haynes February 16, 2023 

Texas lawmakers are considering a bill that will allow government control over private and homeschools. Currently private schools in Texas have no government requirements for registration, licensing, or approval requirements and accreditation is optional. If the state legislature passes school choice bill SB176, that will change. 

School Shutdowns Cost U.S. Economy Trillions

By Carole Hornsby Haynes January 19, 2023   World Net Daily 

In reponse to public anger over school closures and the impact on students, Anthony Fauci defensively retorted,“Well, I don’t think it’s forever irreparably damaged anyone.” Yet recent reports indicate the damage is long term – if not permanent.

The 2022 report by the National Assessment of Educational Progress showed pandemic school shutdowns wiped out decades of academic progress that will reduce lifetime earnings and cost the U.S. economy $28 trillion.

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