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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

So CSCOPE Really Isn’t Dead?

By Dr. Carole Hornsby Haynes  |  July 19, 2013  Education News

Update -- July 21, 2013

Senator Dan Patrick issued a press release on Friday, July 19 saying that he and Texas Attorney Greg Abbott have asked State Auditor John Keel to look into possible illegalities in the bidding process when the Education Service Centers first created CSCOPE: 


By Dr. Carole Hornsby Haynes  |  July 1, 2013 

Texas CSCOPE was unheard of a few months ago but now it is practically a household word. Then the story exploded on Fox News Cable TV and The Blaze and in numerous online publications. Americans were gasping---it can’t happen in Texas! 

Congress and Courts Responsible For Anchor Baby Racket

By Dr. Carole Hornsby Haynes |  May 3, 2011 

Originally titled “Education Spending:  Reverse the Spending Growth Rate, with Reform” in Texas Insider, February 10, 2011  

In the 1982 landmark court decision, Plyler v. Doe, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that children of illegal aliens have a “constitutional right” to a free and appropriate public education with equal protection of the law under the 14th Amendment.  

Obama Administration Attempts to Nationalize K-12 Education, Just As They Did Health Care 

By Dr. Carole Hornsby Haynes  |  January 6, 2011  Texas Insider

Signaling “Don’t Mess with Texas” in the November 2010 Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) Meeting, outgoing member Cynthia Dunbar offered a resolution declaring the U.S. Department of Education an unconstitutional bureaucracy, operating outside the purview of the federal government. 

Universal Pre-K:  The Argument Against 

By Dr. Carole Hornsby Haynes  |  May 16, 2011 Texas Insider

During his campaign, President Obama pledged universal pre-kindergarten education, stating that not only do we need to enroll more children in pre-K, but should do so at an even earlier age.    

Out Of Control Spending In American Government Schools 

Originally titled “Reverse the alarming growth rate” in Texas Insider, January 27, 2011

By Dr. Carole Hornsby Haynes   |   January 28, 2011 Title Revised 

Over the past decade public education spending across the nation has increased dramatically.  The costs are rising faster than the taxpayer can fund them.  In Texas there has been a 63 percent increase. Why has there been such a large increase in spending while student performance has declined? 

For certain the money is not going toward instructional costs. The Texas Education Agency reports that total expenditures per pupil are $11,567 with only $4,972 going toward instructional costs. 

Where is the money going? 

To pay the salaries of large numbers of non-teaching personnel. 

From 1998-99 to 2008-09 the number of teachers in Texas rose from 256,276 to 325,809, a 27.1 percent increase, while during the same period the number of administrators rose from 18,531 to 25,130, a 35.6 percent increase. 

The teacher to non-teacher ratio is 1.019! 

Has all of this extra help from non-teaching personnel provided an uptick in academic improvement to justify the cost? 

To the contrary. 

We have seen a decline in results.  The average Texas SAT score has continued to drop: 992 in 1998-1999, 989 in 1999-2000, and 985 in 2009-2010. 

Why are there so many ancillary members with numerous curriculum directors?  Why are there so many administrators?  

It appears that our educators consider spending taxpayer money on well-paid non-teaching staff to be more vital than spending money to retain new well-trained teachers who often leave after five years for better jobs and work environments. 

The elimination of these layers of non-teaching bureaucracy must be a very high priority in getting our education finances in order. 

Far too much money and time are being spent on public education with little “return on our taxpayer investment” dollars.  As student scores slide southward and violence and disrespect continue to grow at alarming rates in our schools, we cannot expect voters to continue shaking the money tree.  

Voters across America have already sent the message that we want less government, less spending, and a return to the ways that made us a great nation. 

That message also applies to state and local governments and how our money is used for education. 

Public school administrators must take the leadership in returning to the simple, time proven ways of imparting knowledge and stop trying out every newfangled idea that consultants, elitists, and “reformers” want to test next to justify their existence and fat salaries. 

If educators are unwilling to listen to the taxpayers about less spending and improving student performance, they are going to face loss of their positions as Americans seek other options that will provide a better education for our children—at a far less cost. 

Copyright ©2011 Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D., All rights reserved 

Tea Party Style: A 2nd American Revolution?   

By Dr. Carole Hornsby Haynes   |  November 5, 2010   Texas Insider

With the midterm general election behind us, it appears that we are indeed engaged in a Second American Revolution….this time at the ballot box. The harsh reality of how far we have strayed from our Judeo-Christian roots and our Constitutional principles finally have sunken in and shaken us to the very core of our souls.  

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