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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

Why the Enemies of Western Civilization Hated Queen Elizabeth 

By Carole Hornsby Haynes September 22, 2022   Published by American Thinker

I began watching the funeral service of Queen Elizabeth II at 4:00 a.m. It was an event filled with emotion and so many traditions from Western Civilization over the centuries. It was also a poignant reminder that, with the death of the queen, we have lost one of our last connections to that great civilization that gave us law, order, general liberty, culture, and our Christian heritage.

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation Did Not End Slavery, Led to Cancel Culture and Black Lives Matter

By Carole Hornsby Haynes   September 21, 2022

On September 22, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed an executive order that led the way to cancel culture, Black Lives Matter and "white guilt." The order stated:

"That on the first day of January in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free...."

How Democrat School Closings Can Wreck The Country

By Carole Hornsby Haynes September 17, 2022  Published by American Thinker 

Democrats are in a panic after the September 1, 2022 report of student test scores which show that school closures during the pandemic wiped out 50 years of academic progress in America. 

Parents Sue Tennessee Williamson County Schools Over Critical Race Theory

By Carole Hornsby Haynes July 26, 2022 

For months the news media have been reporting stories about Critical Race Theory being taught in Tennessee's Williamson County schools with white hatred and white shame drilled so deeply that children are being turned against themselves, their parents, and grandparents. 

This raised red flags because I was born and reared in Tennessee and have many family members living throughout the state.  Several of them live in Williamson County, a Republican stronghold just south of Democrat-dominated Nashville, that is also home to country music stars including Luke Bryan, Dolly Parton, and the Judd family.

Critical Race Theory, LGBT Coming to Texas Classrooms

 Texas Proposed Social Studies Curriculum Standards 2022 

Reviewed by Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D.

The Social Studies Curriculum Standards K-12 are under review. The review committees have made massive changes including historical revisionism in their proposed standards.

Using the framework of Culturally Responsive Teaching, political lessons are being fused into the academic content throughout these standards.

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