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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

Common Core’s Data Mining Trojan Horse

By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. | August 2, 2013   American Thinker

Although high information Americans are becoming aware of the federal takeover of education through Common Core Standards, there seems to be little recognition yet that Common Core gives schools and third parties unprecedented access to students’ personal information.  The federal government is acquiring a massive amount of data that can be sold to the highest bidders. This is an invasion of student and family privacy and a violation of our 4th Amendment rights.

The College Degree Scam

By Dr. Carole Hornsby Haynes | July 31, 2013 American Thinker

For years we’ve heard the propaganda line that everyone needs to go to college -- that a degree will improve your status and standard of living. 

So CSCOPE Really Isn’t Dead?

By Dr. Carole Hornsby Haynes  |  July 19, 2013  Education News

Update -- July 21, 2013

Senator Dan Patrick issued a press release on Friday, July 19 saying that he and Texas Attorney Greg Abbott have asked State Auditor John Keel to look into possible illegalities in the bidding process when the Education Service Centers first created CSCOPE: 


By Dr. Carole Hornsby Haynes  |  July 1, 2013 

Texas CSCOPE was unheard of a few months ago but now it is practically a household word. Then the story exploded on Fox News Cable TV and The Blaze and in numerous online publications. Americans were gasping---it can’t happen in Texas! 

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