The Right Rises Against the Radical Left
By Carole Hornsby Haynes January 31, 2021
As he departed Washington on January 20 for his Florida home, President Trump told his supporters, “We’ll be back in some form.” On January 25 he opened an “Office of the Former President” in Palm Beach, Florida to carry on the Trump administration’s agenda. The office issued the following statement.
“Today, the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, formally opened the Office of the Former President.
"The Office will be responsible for managing President Trump’s correspondence, public statements, appearances, and official activities to advance the interests of the United States and to carry on the agenda of the Trump Administration through advocacy, organizing, and public activism.”
As I noted in my recent American Thinker commentary, “Trump’s farewell speech and the enduring movement he sparked,” the sleeping giant has been awakened to wide spread corruption by America’s ruling oligarchy and conservatives are going to keep this populist movement going.
The oligarchy is coordinated to ban all conservative groups, even reaching down to persecute individuals. Democrats are moving in “laser-light fashion” to “deprogram” and “reeducate” Trump supporters. Biden not so subtlety threatened them in his Inauguration Day speech as he noted "a rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat."
On January 27, the Department of Homeland Security issued a nationwide alert that warns of “domestic violent extremists” whom they describe as those motivated by COVID restrictions, the 2020 election results, and police use of force. An October 2020 DHS threat assessment report claimed that white supremacist extremists would “remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland.”
Now conservatives are coordinating against radical policies.
Texas has sued the Biden administration over its illegal order to ban all deportations for a period of 100 days. A federal judge, appointed by Trump, ordered a 14-day halt to the freeze. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton called the freeze “a seditious left-wing insurrection.” He posted on social media that Texas “won’t tolerate unconstitutional acts by this administration.”
In his news conference, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said, “Texas is going to protect the oil and gas industry from any type of hostile attack launched from Washington, D.C. Texas is not going to stand idly by and watch the Biden administration kill jobs.” He has issued an executive order for all state agencies to sue the federal government over its new policy to place on hold new oil and natural gas leases on federal lands and waters.
#Texit is in the wind as Texans consider again seceding from the U.S. Texas State Representative Kyle Biedermann has filed a bill-- HB 1359, the Texas Independence Referendum Act – that would allow Texans to vote in November about whether they would want to secede if the time should come.
Numerous lawsuits have been filed against Texas Republican Governor Abbott who “rules” like a Democrat, in shutting down the state. With his unconstitutional executive orders, he has empowered local dictators to act as his minions to target small businesses and residents who defy their illegal “martial law” while big businesses have grown richer from more customers.
In California, a recall to boot Governor Gavin Newsom is well underway with 1.2 million signatures out of the needed 1.5 million. Voters are fed up with being imprisoned in their homes while the arrogant Newsom flaunts his own rules. He was photographed inside the pricey French Laundry restaurant in Napa Valley without a mask and should-to-shoulder with buds. This is the same power crazed governor who demanded that Thanksgiving be celebrated outdoors with a maximum of 10 people from a maximum of three households and all wearing masks, even while eating.
Now with his political career on the skids, Newsom suddenly is opening the state. It’s doubtful if the people will be fooled again.
In New York, Governor Cuomo placed draconian restrictions on the people and businesses. Some of the wealthy have fled the state permanently while others took refuge in their second homes in states not locked down. With few customers during the lock down, many posh businesses and restaurants, faced with ongoing astronomical costs to do business in the Big Apple, have abandoned the state. The famous 21 Club closed permanently in December.
Governor Cuomo is in a panic because one percenters who pay nearly 50 percent of the state’s taxes just may not return to New York. Now he has proclaimed the holiday surge is over and restrictions can be lifted, although restaurants and bars still will have restrictions. Cuomo may find the once glitzy city of New York is a has been, never to regain its fame and magnetism as people and businesses decide life is better – and far cheaper – in other states.
One of Biden’s executive orders reinstated critical race theory in the federal government. CRT is a Marxist brainwashing tactic being pushed into schools, corporations, and government agencies to teach the principles of race essentialism, collective guilt, and neo-segregation. The renowned Discovery Institute has formed a coalition of lawyers to file multiple lawsuits over the race hate training of CRT, saying it is “illegal under the Civil Rights Act and unconstitutional under the law.”
Parents are fleeing the dysfunctional public schools as fast as they can for alternative learning options. People continue the decades old flight from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt. Not only are people fleeing the state of New York, but other states with Democrat governors who have used the China virus as a cover for their ruthless power grab.
With the brutal censorship of conservatives on social media by Big Tech, hundreds of thousands have been fleeing daily to conservative alternatives. Facebook and Twitter’s stock lost more than $50 billion in one week.
With the vast differences in the culture of today’s America, partially created by uncontrolled immigration from many countries, the great divide will result in even further shifting away from the oligarchs’ social bases by conservatives.
The oligarchs have deep tentacles in major corporations and private and semi-private institutions such as schools, publishing houses, and media. With the increasing hostility of the oligarchs toward conservatives, there is no option but to separate from them and build new conservative bases.
Separation may well extend beyond social media. Citizens in Weld County, Colorado feel their state has become too liberal with left wing Californians moving in and want to secede from state to join Wyoming. Texas GOP chairman Allen West said, “Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution."
Perhaps separation is the only way for conservatives to coexist with a hostile oligarchy.