Critical Race Theory, LGBT Coming to Texas Classrooms
Texas Proposed Social Studies Curriculum Standards 2022
Reviewed by Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D.
The Social Studies Curriculum Standards K-12 are under review. The review committees have made massive changes including historical revisionism in their proposed standards.
Using the framework of Culturally Responsive Teaching, political lessons are being fused into the academic content throughout these standards.
Despite a Texas ban on the teaching of Critical Race Theory, it is included in the proposed standards along with revolution, identity politics, and transgenderism (aligns with National Sex Education Standards).
Recommendation: Stop the rewriting and reschedule for 2023.
Grades K-8 (Work group D)
The 2022 proposed standards are radically different from the 2018 standards. To compare: For 2022 K-8 work group D, click here. Work group F can be viewed here but is not analyzed below. It is equally unacceptable. For 2018, click here for Elementary School, click here for Middle School, click here for High School.
There is an overwhelming amount of content and also much that is age inappropriate, especially in K-2. Children are to learn cultural characteristics on a “grand scale” and understand relationships and how they impact “migration and movement.” CHILDREN’S BRAINS ARE NOT SUFFICIENTLY DEVELOPED FOR THIS!!!
In Grade 4, TEXAS HISTORY is canceled and replaced by “Patterns of Civilization: 550 BCE – 900 CE” (Note: BCE replaces BC and CE replaces AD so as to be more “inclusive” – a Critical Race Theory tenet.)
In Grade 7, TEXAS HISTORY will be fused with U.S. History – from the creation and ratification of the Constitution in 1783 through Reconstruction in the 1870s. In Grade 8, very limited content of Texas History will again be fused with US. History and world events from 1876 to the early 1970s.
In K-8, 62 days are spent on Texas History, 398 days on U.S. History, and 351 on World History.
July 4th is gradually being canceled and replaced by Juneteenth, July 4 is mentioned 1 time, Juneteenth is mentioned 5 times. In Grade 2, students explain the significance of Juneteenth as a Texas and U.S. holiday, as well as its origin, significance, and impact on Texas and the U.S.
Christianity is being canceled and world religions taught.
In the 4th grade alone, students spend 7 days on Hinduism, 4 days on Judaism, 6 days on Islam, 13 days on Buddhism, and 3 days on Confucianism – a total of 33 days in one year on religions other than Christianity.
In grades K-8 (9 years), “Christian” or “Christianity” is mentioned only 6 times.
Examples below show how Marxist political lessons are being fused into academic lessons through Culturally Responsive Teaching.
Grade 1
explain how Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, Dolores Huerta [socialist], and Cesar Chavez [community organizer for Saul Alinsky] advocated for positive change.
Grade 4
Civil War Era (1850-1865). The student understands how events and issues shaped the history of Texas and the United States during the Civil War.
(Note:The names of important Southern Confederates are canceled so students will have no knowledge about their role in our history.)
(A) explain how slavery was central to the decision by the Texan government to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy after the election of Abraham Lincoln
(Note: Slavery in America is a central theme in these proposed standards. Despite the reviewers’ inference that America cornered the market on slavery, slavery has been a worldwide institution since the beginning of civilization. Nor is it mentioned that 17th century Christians attacked slavery’s immorality. The focus on slavery is an obvious attempt to create divisiveness, a violation of the Texas ban on the teaching of Critical Race Theory.
(B) explain the significance of the first inaugural addresses of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis and the firing on Fort Sumter at the beginning of the Civil War.
(Note: Students are not told the facts about secession or the firing on Fort Sumter. Instead they are fed a steady diet of historical revisionism.)
Grade 8
compare the contributions of Thurgood Marshall, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X [black Muslim minister], and the Black Panthers [Marxist-Leninist, black power political organization] during the Civil Rights Movement;
describe the roles of Cesar Chavez, Hector P. Garcia, and Dolores Huerta in securing civil rights for Mexican Americans; and
compare the goals of the American Indian, Chicano, Civil Rights, [LGBT] Pride, and Women’s liberation movements of the 1960s and 1970s, and explain how individuals identified with and participated in multiple movements.
Grades 9-12 (Work groups A & C)
To compare the dramatic difference for 2022, click here. For 2018 click here.
U.S. History - Emphasis on “slavery,” “white supremacy” and other tenets of Critical Race Theory.
Compare the roles, goals, and accomplishments of organizations in supporting social movements, including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the National Organization for Women (NOW), the American Indian Movement (AIM), the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), and other organizations representing diverse populations.(p.18)
Analyze legal and illegal actions of individuals, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and other groups to limit rights and opportunities, including intimidation, economic discrimination, hate crimes, and assassinations (p.18)
(Note:There is no mention of how Radical Reconstruction in the South resulted in the region’s retaliation by Democrats. These lessons will be steered to create division, a violation of the Texas CRT ban.)
Explain reasons for the growth of the environmental movement, the impact of Three Mile Island accident and the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and the debate over how to balance environmental concerns and economic needs. (p. 20)
Analyze the debate between liberalism and conservatism including the impact of the counterculture movement, the conservative resurgence, and diverse perspectives over issues, including abortion, Affirmative Action, the War on Drugs, and HIV. (p.20)
Identify and describe societal changes that have resulted from mass shootings, including intensified debates over immigration, racism, and civil liberties. (p.22)
Identify and evaluate the role of the Great Society in expanding healthcare, improving education, accessing affordable housing, ending poverty, and protecting the environment (p. 20)
(Note: Students are not told the truth about the enormous economic outlay and the failures on many levels of the Great Society and its continued impact on our nation.)
Identify, explain the impact of events that led to increased civil unrest and political activism (p. 22)
(Note: This legally allows Critical Race Theory tenets to be introduced into the classroom.)
World History Studies
Lessons on radical Islamic terrorism have been deleted (p.48) along with events surrounding September 11, 2001. Students will not learn the truth about Islam, its purpose, and its brutality. (p. 48)
Lessons on the origins and benefits of free enterprise have been deleted. Also deleted: communism, Karl Marx, socialism, fascism, and the collapse of communist command economies. (p.49)
The term “free enterprise” is changed to “market system.” “Socialism” and “communism” will be called “mixed” and “command” economic systems. (p.106)
analyze the contributions of various economic philosophers, including Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, John Maynard Keynes, and Adam Smith, and their impact on the U.S. free enterprise system (p.106)
(Note: THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. Hayek was considered the leader of the Austrian School of Economics who was best known for his defense of classical liberalism. He won a Nobel prize and Presidential Medal of Freedom. This is the model that leftists don’t want the U.S. government to follow. Hayek authored, Road to Serfdom. It was the Austrian economics model that influenced Ayan Rand, author of Atlas Shrugged.
Keynes is known as the father of modern macroeconomics and Keynesian economics. One of the hallmarks of Keynesian economics is that government should increase spending to stimulate demand during recession Keynes also advocated for government intervention as a solution to high unemployment. The U.S. government has followed Keynesian economics, to our detriment.)
Sociology - Lessons include Critical Race Theory, Marxist revolution, identity politics, and transgenderism (aligns with National Sex Education Standards). (pp.145-148)
define sex, gender, and sexual orientation and differentiate among their distinguishing characteristics (p.146)
explain how socialization of gender influences gender roles and norms which result in inequalities within ownership, power, social control, prestige, and social rewards. (p. 146)
explain instances of the progressions of institutional racism, institutional sexism, institutional ageism, and institutional poverty and analyze their impacts on society (p.147)
recognize and examine explain global stratification and its influence on inequality;
explain minority and dominant groups and evaluate the power dynamics between them (p. 145)
compare and contrast identify various types of collective behavior including mobs, riots, protests, fads, and crazes that can lead to social movements (p.148)
evaluate explain how revolution, war, and changes in technology, populations, and the natural environment cause cultures to social change(p.148)
examine identify counterculture movements and analyze their impacts on social change; and society as a whole. (p.148)
identify and analyze how current issues in social institutions including family, economics, government, education, religion, media, the criminal justice system, and health care lead to social change. (p.148)